The forest reserve project
The forest reserve in Valle di Lodano was established by the Patriziato of Lodano in 2010 and expanded in 2015. It is based on Canton Ticino’s concept for the creation of forest reserves. Its objectives are:
- Natural-scientific: to safeguard the natural evolution of the forest and in particular the genetic heritage of the silver fir; to support the monitoring and evolution of forest types.
- Recreational-educational: to draw attention to an area of significant natural interest and to promote environmental education and the value of nature.
The 766 hectares of forest that make up the reserve are subject to protective status for a period of 50 years. The forest is left to follow its own natural evolution, with no indications of disturbances from human activities. After a sufficiently long time period, the forest evolves to its primary state, with structure and composition dictated exclusively by natural conditions. Soil, climate, and biological communities are untouched by activities such as the cutting of timber; the collection of ground cover, needles, and leaves; or the grazing of animals.
The landscape project
The Valle di Lodano landscape project was implemented between 2011 and 2015 and is characterized by an interdisciplinary approach that considers the landscape as a whole.
The human-made landscape regained its original appearance with the restoration of a number of artifacts, such as stone cabins, dry stone walls, stone steps, and barns and other small structures. Grazed woods and habitats were also returned to their natural states. This led to the creation of a holistic ecomuseum where the preservation of nature coexists with human activities, increasing the value of the landscape as a whole.
The findings of historical and scientific research resulted in the publication of the book Profumi di boschi e pascoli. Vicende umane, natura e Riserva forestale in Valle di Lodano, adding significant value to the entire project.
The projects were made possible thanks to the contributions of the following organizations and institutions:
- Cantone Ticino – Dipartimento del Territorio – Sezione forestale
- Schweizer Patenschaft für Berggemeinden
- Fondo Svizzero per il Paesaggio
- Cantone Ticino – Dipartimento delle istituzioni – Fondo di aiuto patriziale
- Fondazione svizzera per la tutela del paesaggio
- Lotteriefonds des Kantons Zürich
- Ernst Göhner Stiftung
- Ente Regionale per lo Sviluppo del Locarnese e Vallemaggia
- Comune di Maggia
- Fondo di aiuto Migros
- Sophie und Karl Binding Stiftung
- Cantone Ticino – Dipartimento del Territorio – Ufficio della natura e del paesaggio
- Associazione per la protezione del patrimonio artistico e architettonico di Valmaggia (APAV)
- Cantone Ticino – Dipartimento del Territorio – Museo cantonale di storia naturale (MCSN)
- Fondazione Vallemaggia
- Centro natura Vallemaggia (CNVM)
Thank you also to the following contributors for their precious collaboration:
- Istituto federale di ricerca per la foresta, la neve e il paesaggio WSL
- Protezione civile Locarnese e Vallemaggia
- Vallemaggia Turismo
- Museo di Valmaggia
- AFOP Cevio e AFOR Avegno
- The many volunteers who contributed with their time and expertise