Since 2021 the ancient beech forests of the Lodano Valley have been inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in the context of the property "Ancient and Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians and Other Regions of Europe".
Lodano is a small village in the lower part of Vallemaggia, about 15 km from Locarno, at an altitude of 340 meters. A wide valley opens just above the village and its vineyards. Valle di Lodano is home to a large forest reserve with fascinating landscapes, rich with flora and fauna, and filled with testimonies of past human activities. These elements were restored and enhanced thanks to a large interdisciplinary project with a holistic approach. The project led to several landscape improvements as well as historical and scientific research.

Valle di Lodano Projects
Learn about the Forest Reserve as well as the project to enhance and protect the landscape.

Discover the History
Discover the history and stories of Valle di Lodano, from alpine activities to forest exploitation and charcoal production sites.

Explore the Nature
Explore the untouched nature of this magnificent valley, from forests to open spaces.

Suggested Itineraries
Discover Valle di Lodano through four thematic itineraries.

The Alp da Canaa Cabin and Other Shelter
Find shelter in any situation, whether at the Alp da Canaa cabin or in emergency huts.

Guided Excursions
Take excursions with competent guides to learn about the history and nature of Valle di Lodano.

Read about the wonders of Valle di Lodano in a book and brochure.

Take a peek at Valle di Lodano through aerial photography, black & white images, and videos.
Opening Alp da Canaa cabin
We are pleased to report that on Sunday, May 19, 2024, the Alp da Canaa Cabin was reopened to the public.
Conferenza "Faggete primarie e antiche d'Europa - Patrimonio Mondiale"
Mercoledì 15 novembre 2023 alle ore 20:15, presso la sala del Consiglio Comunale a Lodano, si terrà la conferenza "Faggete primarie e antiche d'Europa - Patrimonio Mondiale" con Carlo Ossola, membro della Commissione svizzera per l’UNESCO e della Commissione mondiale delle aree protette dell’IUCN.
Cliccare qui per scaricare la locandina dell'evento organizzato dal Gruppo Strategico Faggete Valli di Lodano, Busai e Soladino.
Closure Alp da Canaa Cabin
The Patriziato of Lodano announces that the Alp da Canaa Hut is closed to the public.
Depending on weather conditions, the reopening is planned for the second half of May 2024.
The beech forests of Valle di Lodano are part of the UNESCO World Heritage
On July 28, 2021, the World Heritage Committee approved the inclusion of the ancient beech forests of Valle di Lodano and those of Busai and Soladino in the UNESCO World Heritage list of sites, as part of the serial property Ancient and Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians and Other Regions of Europe.